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Which celebrities should just keep their mouths shut?

Most of them. Because most of them appear to misunderstand one fundamental truth — people in glass houses should NOT be throwing stones. This is a hard thing for a bona fide celebrity to grasp; they have to shoot their mouths off whenever something happens. It’s a compulsion and they cannot seem to control themselves. Thing is… if you have skeletons in your own closet? Don’t rag on other people.

Which celebrities should just keep their mouths shut?
Credit Source: Jean-Marie Valheur

The whole “Will Smith slap” affair brought this principle to light, illustrated it beautifully. Alec Baldwin felt the need to comment by saying he felt like “he was watching the Jerry Springer show”. Twitter immediately jumped on Baldwin’s back because he accidentally killed a woman just a few months ago and once went on a foul-mouthed rant against his own daughter, calling her a pig, while his wife has been pretending to be Spanish and not know English words for ages with his approval. Twitter will remind you of such things and drag your ass to hell and back.

Even worse than Baldwin? Jim Carrey. He called Will Smith’s behavior “a disgrace” and labeled the Academy ‘cowards’ for not stepping in and removing Will right away. Conveniently forgetting the fact that Carrey himself once tried to sexually assault Will Smith in an in-promptu ‘joke’ that went way over the line and made Smith feel violated and humiliated in front of millions. Carrey was NOT escorted off the premises, either. Although he was way out of line, too. He also kissed a teenaged Alicia Silverstone without invitation the same night, much to her considerable discomfort.

Celebrities cannot help but make everything about them. But they forget that in the day and age of social media, people keep receipts of their own bad behavior. And things WILL get back to them. Carrey and Baldwin found out the hard way — if you have a checkered past, stay quiet.

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