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How do you feel about Bill Gates giving out medical advice?

I think Bill Gates is… an interesting man. He has developed himself from “uber-nerd” to “uber-rich”, from cutthroat businessman to some sort of diabolical mastermind set out to subjugate and possibly make-infertile half the human population for the New World Order’s nefarious purposes…

How do you feel about Bill Gates giving out medical advice?
Credit Source: Jean Marie Valheur

So who is Bill Gates, actually? First of all, he’s not a ‘self-made man’ as he tried to portray himself to be — Gates is the son of multi-millionaires. Clever cookie, but also quite silver spooned into success. As a businessman I’d label him quite a shark. He’s not a weak man and not be messed with. Gates has a habit of flirting, sleeping with and messing around with female employees in his company; he was deeply unfaithful to his wife for decades, as was revealed when they had their divorce about a year ago. He’s the very stereotype of the ‘toxic nerd who screws away his insecurities once he’s made it big’, which is perfectly fine by me but I won’t hold such a man up as a paragon of virtue.

How do you feel about Bill Gates giving out medical advice?

Bill Gates is the sort of man who would make friends with Epstein and make no apologies of the fact. He’s known to hang out in some… shady circles. He’s donated an absolute ton to charity, mostly in Africa. But I am not sure how much of this is “from the goodness of his heart” and how much if it is just good optics, good PR, and therefore simply ‘good for business’. Now there’s this Q-Anon peddled conspiracy theory that makes Gates out to essentially be Dr. Evil. I’m not buying it, sorry. The man isn’t Mr. Rogers that’s for sure. But he’s not Vaccine Hitler either.

Is he an evil mastermind? A devil in disguise, a horrible human being, a stooge for the Illuminati, lackey to Beelzebub himself? I doubt it. But he’s been shady enough, for long enough, for me to take much of what he says with a healthy dose of salt… He’s far from the innocent ‘nerd-turned-billionaire’ success story he’s sold himself to be.

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